well ermm if it's low fat and it doesn't have Alot of sugar I don't think u can but if it has a lot of sugar then probably
Anton Von Leeuwenhoek is the name
Water falls from a reservoir through a channel to a turbine. The water turns the turbines, which allows the generator to make electricity.
Thymine is one of the four nucleobases that pairs with adenine to make up DNA, also called 5-methyluracil. It is replaced by uracil to make RNA molecules during transcription.
Theferore the unknown chemical analyzed was DNA because thymine is found in DNA and not in RNA molecules.
Phylogenetic species concept (PSC) The concept of a species as an irreducible group whose members are descended from a common ancestor and who all possess a combination of certain defining, or derived, traits (see apomorphy). ... "phylogenetic species concept." A Dictionary of Biology. .
The biological species concept has its limitations (although it works well for many organisms and has been very influential in the growth ofevolutionary theory). ... In thisexample, Ensatina salamander lineages A and B are separate species.Each has a common ancestor that individuals of other species do not.
I hope that this helps you out