In your first sentence switch witch to which. In problem 1 t the end change developpe to develop. In problem 3 the “WE” should not be capitalized. Only the w. At the end of problem 3 ulsee, I don’t know if you were doing unless or you’ll see or useless, but whichever one it is change it to one of those. Spielberg needs to be capitalized. In problem 5 at the end change ended with needed. In problem 6 at the beginning change probes to problems. Other than that it looks great! Coming from a 7th grader❤️
31 lbs or 24% i hope this is correct if not send me a message and ill try to get it right oWo
The answer is C genital warts
I wouldn't accept especially if I wasn't comfortable doing it. If they would pressure me more, I'd find a close restroom and either call or text someone trust, or i'd get out the situation. Being under peer pressure is a big thing, and not knowing what to do is even worse.