The word prodigy applies to Waverly due to her being especially good at chess, or whatever it was she does. Her mother's point of view on prodigy is being the best she can be, and the term applies to her mother by not being quite as smart as her daughter.
the rest is good besides the stuff at the bottom
mixed mixed the second and third sentence instead of a period on the second sentence do a comma. for for the sentence she became involved with theater mix it with the next sentence with a comma instead of a period.
Benvolio is a comic figure in this excerpt because he makes light of Romeo's heartache.
The romantic comedy play "Romeo and Ju liet" by William Shakespeare revolves around the forbidden/ illegal love of the two young lovers Romeo from the Montague family and Ju liet from the Capulet family. And due to their age-old family feud, they were led to their deaths, choosing love rather than a break-up.
In the given excerpt from Benvolio's speech from Act I scene ii, we see Benvolio making fun of his cousin's heartbreak. Romeo was lovesick with Rosalind and wanted no one else. At this, Benvolio told him they'll go to the Capulet's party and see that the other ladies were more beautiful than his Rosalind, proving that <em>"the swan" </em>is actually a <em>"crow"</em>. This is a comic scene where he made fun of Romeo's heartache.