In a year that seemed determined to shake Americans’ confidence in the foundations of their society, Kennedy’s death at 1:44 a.m. Pacific time on June 6, 25 hours after he was shot, was one of the biggest inflection points. Sirhan Sirhan’s bullets not only demolished the hope for a savior candidate who would unite a party so fractured that its incumbent, President Lyndon B. Johnson, had decided not to seek re-election. Coming just two months after the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., they also fueled a general sense — not entirely unfamiliar today — that the nation had gone mad; that the normal rules and constants of politics could no longer be counted on.
a); and c). During Chandragupta II reign, great impulse was given to arts and science. One of the main scholars of the time was Aryabhata, who came up with the concept of zero and discovered the ratio of pi. He also worked in demonstrating that the earth moves around the sun instead of otherwise.
1. gulf of tonkin incident
2. truman doctrine
3.containment of communism
probably a little off but it'll lead you in the right direction.
(I was literally learning this a couple months ago and my memory is a little rusty)
) The tradition of love and courtship followed by medieval noblesCourtly love was a medieval concept of love which emphasized nobility and chivalry. Although not limited to this class, it began as a concept among knights and the land-owning class, and involved men going to great lengths to charm and earn the favor of a deserving woman.
Steel. During the industrial revolution, steel had a major increase in production. A way to remember this is to remember the man Carnegie Steel who ran a monopoly that controlled the steel industry during the Industrial Revolution.