Sir Danvers Carew was a notable and profoundly regarded London man of his word. He was killed close to 12 PM on a hazy, full-moon night in October. A servant saw the despicable Mr. Hyde meet "a matured and delightful respectable man with white hair" After a couple of words, "Mr. Hyde lifted his hefty strolling stick and clubbed the old respectable man to death" Police are perplexed that neither the casualty's gold watch nor his wallet was taken.
Edward Hyde, beneficiary to Jekyll's quarter of 1,000,000 pounds, lives in the " grim quarter" of London. Hyde has no family, and apparently, he was rarely shot. Hyde conveys "a frightful feeling of unexpressed distortion," according to people who have seen him. "Jekyll and Hyde" opens on a police officer's search for the man who killed a woman in London.
I would suggest saying, "I would make an excellent president because...." (List your reasonings). For "Helpful," you don't need to capitalize the first letter. Make sure you add in an "and helpful," since you're finishing off the reasons.
Canadente is spelled incorrectly. It should be "Candidate."
Lastly, I would suggest saying "have had experience...."
To masquared our emotions. To portray something that is not true
Dissemble according to the dictionary is the action of disguise our emotions as something that they´re something that they aren´t, dis-semble is to not show our semblant or to hide our face and simili in latin which is basically simulare in latin, or to appear something, that is the meaning of dissemble.
11. ADV (<em>Although many tornadoes occur throughout the United States </em>is an adverbial subordinate clause because it functions as an adverb expressing concession.)
12. ADJ (This sentence contains two adjectival clauses coordinated with one another with the conjunction <em>or</em>.)
13. N (<em>that trucks can no longer travel on Grove Street</em> is a noun subordinate clause because it functions as a noun in this sentence and it is the object of the verb <em>heard</em>.)
14. ADV (<em>before you put it in the freezer</em> is an adverbial subordinate clause, because it functions as an adverb, which expresses time.)
15. ADV (<em>Since I will have a test in Spanish</em> is an adverbial subordinate clause because it functions as an adverb expressing reason.)
Kennedy Assassinated. On Friday, November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was shot as he rode in a motorcade through the streets of Dallas, Texas; he died shortly thereafter. He was the thirty-fifth president and was forty-six y/o. He shouldn't have died, it was awful that he did. (R.I.P J.F.K)