All of the above are true.
The law of diminishing returns was first formulated by the classic economist David Ricardo. It presupposes a technical relationship between input and output, which is not scientifically demonstrable but only empirically. In practice, in a generic production system, at any contribution of any factor, that is, land, labor, capital, machines, etc. there is no proportionally increasing production increase.
Normally it is assumed that the law does not always come into operation but only when the variable input exceeds a certain threshold. For example, the increase of workers on an assembly line certainly allows a proportional increase in production, but only until the entire system begins to suffer from malfunctions due to logistics or work organization, precisely because of the its getting bigger. Large industrial plants have shown that they must be divided into sections, however coordinated, precisely because of the decreasing returns. This is because the increase in the number of workers and the mass of the plants does not correspond to a consequent increase in production.
I think like 6 years of college
GDP is the value of the total production of final goods and services produced within a country (in this case Ireland), while Gross National Product (GNP), in this specific case, is the value of the total production of final goods and services produced by residents of the Ireland (individuals or businesses).
Since several corporations have international headquarters in Ireland due to special tax regimes, e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Google, Intel, Pfizer, FB, etc., and many of those corporations manage all their world trade (except local trade in the US) through those offices, they are very large and wealthy.
Exception reports
An exception report is a document that shows where actual performance deviated significantly from what was expected, usually in a negative direction. It shows what is abnormal. The exception report then focuses the attention of the management on those areas that would be needing immediate intervention.