A, changed to a question, exclamation, or command.
The text reads <em>"Wow, how could my life be any better!"</em>, which is not correctly written. When asking a question, you must have a question mark at the end.
I could only get 1
Sonnets as Lyric Poetry
The word “lyric” comes from the Latin “lyricus" meaning “of or for the lyre.” Some of the best examples of lyric poetry come from Italian and English sonnets. In lyric poetry, the mood is musical and emotional. The writer of a lyric poem uses words that express his state of mind, his perceptions, or his feelings.
When writing about this, be sure to think of one particular person who said or did something that's always taught you a valuable lesson in life.
The first one.
"I can't sing very well I can't dance very well"
The answer is B. People of that time, Jews, thought of the Samaritans as 'dirt people'...they had a word for it but I cannot think of it at the moment.