Sample Answer - Please Rewrite in your own words
One conflict in the short story "The Lottery" concerns Tessie Hutchinson versus her small village. Tessie challenges the brutal ritual, but her neighbors force her to participate. There is another conflict involving the northern villages, who have ended the ritual. The wider, underlying conflict concerns tradition versus modernity, and Mr. Summers is in conflict with the villagers over replacing the black box.
You didn't provide the excerpt but if it's the one I found online, I think A would make the most sense as the passage is primairly based around his own actions. If not A, then D would be second choice I think.
No I haven’t used a 3D printer. I think they are very nice but no I personally wouldn’t wear them. I think a lot of interesting new stuff will come from technology
When there’s nothing left he still is left with himself and nothing else. Regardless of whether or not he is being deceived by some demon or his beliefs are wrong, he is able to see that even if he has the ability to doubt something he must be existing to even doubt it in the first place. The fact that he can think is what assures himself of his own existence, and a deceiving god cannot negate that. From this point on, Descartes can continue in his examination of reality without worry that he is by all means existing.
After a long stressful test, I was going to spend the day with my best friend, Katherine, for the first time after, so long now that her mom trusted me more. “Honk!’’ was the sound I heard that signaled me that Katherine’s dad was here. She opened the door, as usual because she was so courteous to me at school. I got into the rusty gray Honda. Once I got into the car I knew it was out of my comfort zone because it was my first time meeting Katherine’s Dad outside of school. “Hello, Katherine 's dad,” I said tentatively. He responded back with a simple hello and simply resumed his talk with Katherine as if she had never left the car. They were talking, so quick I had no idea what to do, so I kept quiet the whole car ride and looked out the window. The whole car ride was of a foreign language I had barely heard Katherine speak at school, when her mom, my 5th grade math teacher came around. Now as if she had been liberated from those chains that kept her from speaking her native language, she spoke endlessly with her dad. We arrived at our destination and to my surprise, it was a church.
I had never my life been to church on a Saturday afternoon, most likely because my mom and I only had time to come to church on Sunday´s.So many things were happening at the same time in the same room where Katherine’s dad left us. This was one of the best journey and I will always cherish it in my memories.