Talking about food safety or Danger zone, we are focusing on the critical temperature where food-borne bacteria grows faster and the range of danger zone is 39 °F to 140°F. After this, if food is not clean and cooks properly it may result in illness or foodborne diseases to the person who eats the food. Potential hazards foods are the following listed below:
1. Food rich in protein.
2. Food high in moisture
3. Food that is low in acidity
The corticospinal tract carries motor signals from the primary motor cortex in the brain, down the spinal cord, to the muscles of the trunk and limbs. And The corticobulbar tract carries efferent, motor, information from the primary motor cortex to the muscles of the face, head and neck.
Permanent maintenance of weight loss<span />
under drug use are sentences 1 and 3. Under drug misuse are sentences 6 and 2. And under drug abuse are sentences 4 and 5.
Explanation: drug abuse is classified as using illegal drugs or doing legal drugs when one is just underaged. Drug use is when the person with the drugs is using them correctly and safely. Drug misuse is when a person has prescription medicines and take too high of dosages or use them for the wrong purposes.