U-Boat (Unterseeboot)
During World War I, German Submarines played an essential role in the North Sea and the war. Germans were quite advanced when it came to controlling submarines. During the first World War, commander Franz Becker guided German submarines which we know today as U-boats. The Germans unrestricted submarine warfare tactics caused great offence to the merchant vessels in the waters around Great Britain particularly of the Royal Navy and America.
We are delighted that we have remained firm and unshaken in our resolve to have our children recite the National Pledge in schools.
The National Pledge is no propaganda or a gimmick, but endeavours to see our children becoming proud Zimbabweans who prioritise national ideals and the need to fully serve their nation.
Populist party
The 16th amendment (graduated income tax) and 17th amendment (direct election of senators) were originally ideas of POPULIST PARTY (an 1890s successful 3rd party who never won a presidential election)
This is evident in the fact that though the Populist Party never won a Presidential election, they were more successful in influencing the political landscape of the United States during their existence.
Some other legacies of the Populist Party are:
1. expansion of currency and credit structure
2. Railroad legislation
3. Postal saving banks
4. Subtreasury plan.
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