With the increase of trade a new class of people devolved made up of merchants, traders, and craft workers. these people began to form an association called guilds.
The right answer is B.
Isolationist views were strong in the USA after the end of WWI. The Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and the adhesion treaty of the League of Nations. Politicians and the public opinion were afraid of any agreements that could mean commitments in foreign conflicts.
The Haitian Revolution sought to end racial inequality, while the American Revolution permitted it to continue.
The Haitian Revolution sought to end racial inequality, while the American Revolution permitted it to continue describes a major diference between the American Revolution and the Habian Revolution.
The small family farm began to be bought up over time.
Colonialism is defined as “control by one power over a dependent area or people.” It occurs when one nation subjugates another, conquering its population and exploiting it, often while forcing its own language and cultural values upon its people. By 1914, a large majority of the world's nations had been colonized by Europeans at some point.
The concept of colonialism is closely linked to that of imperialism, which is the policy or ethos of using power and influence to control another nation or people that underlies colonialism.