A hub can described as an hardware or network device use for multi purpose functions like connecting series of internet devices together there by making it possible for all devices to work or function together on a single network.
Hubs are classified into active hub, passive hub, and intelligent hub.
ACTIVE HUB: This type of hub boost the signals but can not perform calculations.
PASSIVE HUB: this type only send the signals but can not boost a signal.
INTELLIGENT HUB: it brings about the boosting of signals and also bring about packets to be analyzed.
In the time complexity, the array-list can easily be accessible any type of element in the the given list in the fixed amount of time.
On the other hand, the linked list basically require that the list must be traversed from one position to another end position.
The Array-List can get to any component of the rundown in a similar measure of time if the file value is know, while the Linked-List requires the rundown to be crossed from one end or the other to arrive at a position.
Focus Stacking
F-stop stacking which is also referred to as image stacking is a powerful technique that improves the quality of an image by stacking images taken at different f-stops in order to improve corner sharpness and overcome blurriness. Once photographs are taken at different f-stops (focus stops), a final complete composite picture is created using only the sharpest portions of the photograph.
If you want your heading to pop out I would go for bold Becuase it shows the letters darker and bigger which would make the heading the center of attention.