Well, If it was hot outside the day before it started raining, then you can say "Remember how hot it was yesterday? It will be a very nice change of temperature. Very cool and refreshing." Other examples of persuasive language could be "We can jump in the puddles for fun if you want, too!" Or, if they don't like that idea, you can always say "We can make a game out of dodging the puddles while we run, by jumping over them and running past them!"
Percy ignores this and says he has two requests, wishing that Persephone were here to calm Hades. Gulping, Percy says that war among the gods would be bad, so he needs Zeus's master bolt back. Incensed, Hades accuses Percy of keeping up a pretense after “what he's done.” Confused, Percy asks what he did.
There are many kinds (can't name them all off the top of my head)
1. Telling someone you'll keep it a secret and then tell anyway...
2. Always being there for someone and then not
3. When you cheat on your husband/wife or someone you're in a relationship with
4. Using someone just to get some
Those are all I can think of (at the moment). But you can just pick whichever one you want.
Green Bins (White Paper)
Green recycling bins usually indicate that the bin is to be used for white paper. ... When recycling paper, do not recycle plastic-wrapped paper, paper cups or plates, Styrofoam, food or pizza boxes, or tissues and napkins.
they look disgusted by the sight of bright colors in the field.