Ethical dilemma refers to a form of uncertainties that created because we feel that we have violate the moral standard that we held in our life.
From the excerpt above, Katie is faced with difficult situation when she found out about the mice.
The right answer to her problem is obviously telling the client about the mice problem, but she is discouraged to do it because she know for sure it will messed up the sales and reduce the salary that she can take home to her family. This is where the ethical dilemma is derived from.
The behavior in a crowd which is dictated by the circumstances is called as the collective behavior, in which a person behaves according to the circumstances even if he or she is not willing to do that personally.
Yes i can remember a situation where i got stuck in a similar scenario. I was with my friends in the university after the classes in the executive hall, when a flash mob enters the hall and asked for raising the money for charity to help poor children with their studies. I personally didn't want to pay them a penny because i knew them well and i knew that they would not give a single penny in the charity for children studies. But i had to help them and give them money because of the circumstance over there, because they were yelling, forcing people, blackmailing people on the name of religion and helping poor, and because of this, i had to help them.
This was the time i was so dictated by the circumstances.
Rome take over most of Italy on 396 BC.
Power focuses people one the resources they controls rather than the people around them. Status increases people’s focus on others status is based on other people’s opinions