South Korea
South Korea is a country located in Asia. Its national symbol is the Simberian Tiger. It is known to have resumed its baseball games but under strict regulations. The professional baseball games resumed amid continued social distancing on May 5, 2020.
There were absence of fans in Jamsil Stadium in Seoul. The players, the cheerleaders were the only ones present in the facility.
Answer: Development is possible if both the government and citizens are committed for the welfare of the nation
And there you have it. The answer of course
mirror neurons and observational learning
Mirror neurons are the neurons in our body that fire when we try mirror the action of another organism. When we are observing something and are trying to learn it the mirror neurons help us to convert the visual stimulus to motor actions in our body. This entire process is called observational learning.
Here, the tennis player was watching videos of others playing. When she was doing this she was storing all the visual stimulus. After she started to play again the mirror neurons converted the visual stimulus to motor action.
Hence, mirror neurons and observational learning were used here.