Tropic of Capricorn
The Tropic of Capricorn which is also known as the Southern tropic is the furthest direction south of the Equator where the Sun can be located vertically overhead as it the location of the subsolar point at the southern solstice. In the middle of June, the Tropic of Capricorn reaches a position of an angle of 90° below the horizon at midnight
The latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn is 23°26'11.8'' south of the Equator, while the location of the Tropic of Capricorn is shifting northward at a rate of 15 meters annually.
1. Endangered Species conservation
2. Air Pollution
3. Destruction of Coral Reefs
"Asia sits almost entirely in the tropics, and as such, is covered in rich, dense, biologically diverse jungle." Poachers, large companies exploiting land, small farms,(Etc), have always been a large factor of how hard it is to conserve the endangered species.
Small farms and large companies burn fires trying to clear land of trees(among other things.) So that then they can exploit the land the following year.
Over the past several decades, Asia's famous coral reefs have always been in dismay. This is the result of several factors like; 1. The ocean absorbs most of the carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere each year. While this helps reduce the effects of global warming (temporarily), it also means that more of that carbon is going to be converted into carbonic acid, increasing the ocean’s acidity level.
Rock layers in order is basically natures calendar.
The highest layer is the newest formed layer
While the deepest layer was the oldest and probably has been there from some time
And everything in between goes accordingly
So putting rocks in order by age helps scientists better understand what was there before what and how the rocks changed over time.
Hope this helps!
Brailiest is always appreciated if you feel its deserved! :)
Your answer would be Tectonic.
Tectonic plates move in various directions, and move slowly. Due to the movement of tectonic plates the earth cracks, and shakes which is called an earch quake. Tectonic plates move constently everyday, and you can't feel it because it's slow. Wehn tectonic plates move quickly, the earth starts to shake. The most common places that have tectonic plates have a higher chance of having an earthquake, even a tusnami.