Conservatives-government regulations is not the best way to solve this problem.
Libertarian-Legislators should ban the drinks to protect citizens health.
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A couple months after he was elected, the stock market crashed and the Great Depression was beginning. Unlike Andrew Mellon and Calvin Coolidge who believed that the federal government should keep its hands off the economy, Herbert Hoover believed that some action from the federal government is necessary.
It is not fair to say that Christopher Columbus discovered America, because there were people living there first (Native Americans). Not including people that lived there a long time ago, the issue was up for debate until 1960, when a ancient Norse settlement was discovered near Newfoundland.
10,000 amps
Resistance welding is a fusion welding process that requires the application of both heat and pressure to achieve a sound joint. The simplest form of the process is spot welding where the pressure is provided by clamping two or more overlapping sheets between two electrodes .
Resistance Welding is a thermo-electric process where heat is generated at the interface of the parts to be joined by passing an electrical current through them or a precisely controlled time and under a controlled pressure (also called force.
Therefore, to get the 10,000 amps needed for resistance welding, some device must be used to step the current up from the relatively low level available from the power line. The device generally used is a transformer.