a.founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony
He was the governor of that and also founded it.
John Winthrop (12 January 1587/88 – 26 March 1649) was an English Puritan lawyer and one of the leading figures in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the second major settlement in New England, following Plymouth Colony. ... Winthrop was born into a wealthy landowning and merchant family.
It is because a black hole is so powerful, that nothing can escape it. Not even light itself can escape a black hole… Therefore, it’s called a black hole. So if Light cannot escape it, and light speed is 186,000 mi./s, then no object, no matter the size can escape it if it gets anywhere near the vicinity, And to answer your question more specifically, the power of the black hole stretches the object as it approaches and pretty much tears it into pieces as it is sucked into infinity. They call it a singularity.
If you're a member of the U.S. Navy, your organization is part of the "<span>(D.) Department of Defense." since this Department is in charge of all military branches. </span>
the answer is B. Kings on earth rule with gods authority.
An 18 year old dating 26 is really not accepted in our society because there is huge age gap between the tthem. I think there is more disadvantages than advantages. Both of them will have different prospective of looking at things. One will think in the mature way and the other will be thinking in its childish way. So their point of view may not match which leads to disputes and the relation cannot last.