i got you.
tsjef- means hello
tfej-means bye
osehf- means OH CRUD
sieufv- means to run
todnnvf- means to hang out
iaeufbhv-means to have food
wsivbjsbv- to have a car
oweiufibeviuwev- a very strong level of disagreement.
ueurhnvu- means you don't like
euepannf-means you like
Part A:
D, It suggests that the speaker is unhappy or troubled.
Part B:
A, He cannot sleep and needs to get out of the house.
3. he feels he has done something to Doodle, and this was bringing him sadness. he felt he was mean to Doodle at times, Leading to him feeling Regret.
Show them good grades you got before you ask them and then do chores be in a good mood
The reasoning that Machiavelli uses in this passage is: Machiavelli uses deductive reasoning by first introducing the conclusion that new rulers must be cruel and then supporting it with evidence.
Deductive reasoning is a form of reasoning where broad generalizations are first made before specific observations are used to corroborate it.
In the passage, we see an example of deductive reasoning because a broad generalization about the cruelty of leaders was first made before examples were used to support it.
Learn more about deductive reasoning here: