Kingdom Bc Monarchy Was Ruled By A King Or Queen
Reliable sources
- Recent statistics and information
- Author and source listed
- .gov or .eud sites
UNreliable sources
- 20 year old statistics
- No author or sources listed
- .com or .net
My answer is for the United States.
Briefly, the bill has to pass both the Senate and the House of Representatives and it must not be vetoed by the president. That is how something becomes a federal law.
A state law is much the same way except the governor takes the place of the president. If there is only 1 house in the state then it goes from the house of representatives to the Governor who has 10 days to veto it. Nebraska is the only state without a senate.
Odd question there could be many answers to. But if they destroyed company property that would be illegal and they could lose their jobs. Doesn't matter how bad the company treated them they have no right to destroy someone's property.