Prithvi Narayan Shah's addition crusade started with the close by kingdom of Nuwakot. Nuwakot denoted the eastern limit of the Gorkha kingdom and was important for the shipping lane among Tibet and Kathmandu. It was additionally the western door to the Kathmandu valley.
Nara Bhupal Shah, Prithvi Narayan Shah's dad, had endeavored to attack Nuwakot in 1742, yet had failed. Around then, Nuwakot was under the regulatory control of Kantipur (referred to now as Kathmandu). Kantipur upheld Nuwakot against the attack. Following his annihilation, Nara Bhupal Shah surrendered his endeavors and gave managerial control over to his oldest child, Prithvi Narayan Shah and Chandraprabhawati, his oldest sovereign.
In the very year of his royal celebration, Prithvi Narayan Shah sent Gorkhali troops under Kaji Biraj Thapa Magar to assault Nuwakot. The mission failed again.
The unification of Nepal authoritatively started in 1743 subsequent to Ruler Prithvi Narayan Shah of Gorkha dispatched a forceful addition crusade looking to expand his own kingdom's outskirts. Subsequent to overcoming the Nepal Mandala, which comprised of the three separate city-conditions of the Kathmandu Valley, Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur, Shah moved his bumpy capital in Gorkha to the rich and affluent city of Kathmandu and embraced the name Nepal for the whole Gorkha Domain.
The constitution of Nepal is divided into 35 parts, 308 Articles and 9 Schedules. The Constitution was drafted by the Second Constituent Assembly following the failure of the First Constituent Assembly to produce a constitution in its mandated period after the devastating earthquake in April 2015.