The therapist would be excellently demonstrating what is
known as the unconditional positive regard. The unconditional positive regard, developed
by Carl Rogers, is a concept, belief, hope that by accepting and valuing the
patient unconditionally, in that environment, they can tap into themselves and
their enormous potential which will help them overcome their problems and grow
This is part of the unfreezing stage
of change. The aim throughout the unfreezing stage is to make an attentiveness
of how the current situation, or current level of satisfactoriness, is delaying
the group in some way. Past behaviors, methods of thinking, procedures, people
and organizational arrangements must all be cautiously inspected to demonstrate
employees how essential a change is for the organization to make or uphold an economical
advantage in the market.
Personality psychology is the most famous branch of psychology. Personality psychologist strives to understand how a personality develops and as well as to know how our behavior influences, how we think and behave. This area seeks to understand the personality and how it varies among the individuals as well as how people are the same in personality aspects. Personality psychologists also assess, diagnose and treat the personality disorder. Many personality psychologists have been argued about how people define their characteristics, thought, feeling and behavior. There are so many factors that shape the personality of a person such as genetics, upbringing, and experience.
There is only 3 Phonemes in a dog