A credit bureau
A credit bureau is a agency which collects the credit history of consumers so that creditors can make decisions about granting loans. So the only logical choice is for Martha's lender to check with them to get her credit history before denying or granting her a mortgage or loan.
B. When the subject matter is objective and informative
Relevance and faithful representation
The is a general consensus that accounting information must possess certain basic characteristics for it to be useful to the users of financial statement. The International Accounting Standards Board (1ASB) gave voice to this assertion when it prescribes some basic characteristics of accounting information which are 1. Understandability 2. Relevance 3. Reliability 4. Comparability. 5. Materiality. 6. <em>Faithful representation.</em> 7. Substance over Form. 8. Neutrality. 9. Prudence. 8. Timeliness. 9. Completeness.
Faithful representation is the requirement that financial statement must be accurate and must show a true and fair view of the position of the business.
Answer: Marketing.
A Marketing message is a message on a product passed across to it's target market, that highlights the positive qualities of that product, the message is intended to positively influence consumers to buy the product. Patel's message is a Marketing message to members of his target market.
Answer: Diversification
Explanation: Diversification strategy involves widening the scope of the organization across different products and market sector. Furthermore, it is used to expand firms operations and productivity by adding markets, products, services, or stages of production to the existing business and the main aim of diversification is to minimize the risk by investing in range of products. It helps in reducing the market volatility.