A. because if you have received flyers for several times for spa treatment, then you have ore options to look at and to see so you can know what the best deal is. B is wrong because billboards ( or whatever you said) are meant to want to make you impulse buy just because someone beautiful was on the front selling a product, and it won't necessarily be good or have a good deal, or be reliable.. Hope that helped! :)
Respuesta y explicación:
El sondeo vesical, más conocido como sondaje vesical, es una técnica invasiva de gran utilidad médica en la que al paciente se le introduce una sonda desde el meato uretral hasta la vejiga urinaria.
Ésta práctica tiene diversos fines, tanto terapéuticos como diagnósticos, ya que es de vital importancia a la hora de facilitar la salida de la orina en los casos donde el paciente presenta una uretra o vejiga obstruida, o bien para acompañar una mejor recuperación del paciente durante el postoperatorio de intervenciones quirúrgicas. Además, el sondaje vesical es de utilidad para llevar un correcto control de la diuresis del paciente.
the players are required to wear a rugby shirt (jersey), cleats aka "boots", and rugby shorts. Rugby shorts are made of a thick cotton. There is almost no protective gear worn. Most players choose to wear a mouthguard and some opt for a scrum cap, thin shoulder pads, and shin guards.
<span>Which type of website represents the current administration's point of view and can be trusted to provide reliable information?
</span>.gov websites represent the current administration's point of view and can be
trusted to provide reliable information.
can you list the options?