Microbial phototrophs are organisms like algae and cyanobacteria which carry out their cellular metabolic processes by using the energy from light.
These are important environmentally as they are present on the surfaces exposed to light in terrestrial as well as aquatic environments. Here, algae and cyanobacteria are the major primary producers of energy as they generate energy and reduce carbon dioxide. This helps to provide the environment with organic substances and oxygen.
Clinically the cyanobacteria has contributed to many aspects of human life like it is used for several medical purposes. Many Proterozoic oil deposits are attributed to the activity of cyanobacteria.
Cyanobacteria are primitive organisms where chloroplasts are believed to be originated. These phototrophic organisms benefit the environmental and the clinical aspects because of their unique physiology. For instance, they contribute to energy attainment from sunlight which helps other organisms gain energy when this is consumed. Another is the contribution to biogeochemical cycles. And lastly, how these can aid in many medical discoveries and treatments.
As energy moves through trophic levels in an ecosystem the amount that is available decreases. ... A: Energy flows in a food web by being transferred to and between organisms as they undergo photosynthesis, are consumed by another organism, or decompose.
I would say that answer choice C is the best out of this selection. Carbon is the main element in organic compounds, and organic compounds just so happen to make up the cells that carry out life processes for all living things. Hope this helps.
It supports it by saying that there was once only one mammal but then it reproduced and since different places have different climates they adapted or evolved to the climate changing their form and shape.