Chaucer's character of the Pardoner is a man who's work is tricking people of their money by allowing them to touch a supposedly "holy" bone that is really from a normal animal. The Pardoner is wealthy from swindling people out of their money by promising them pardon for their sins and get them entrance into heaven if they gave their money to him. He has a nice hat and a wallet full of money or pardons as Chancer sarcastically refers to it.
The phrase during separate semesters helps reveal the meaning of the word concurrent which means at the same time.
No, they dont have to because not everyone can do sport( i dont play sport either) but some kids are too lazy to play(im one of them lol) or sport is bot their thing… or they are….. I forgot so umm… yeah. Not everyone.
Candy contains lots of sugar, so it is not very healthy, but can be eaten sometimes. It is the most common snacking food, and there are hundreds of flavors, shapes, and sizes. Candy is not limited to being sweet. Candy can be spicy in different cultures.