Communism Controls everything
Cold war tension between the U.S and the soviet union
Slaughtering and taking from guiltless individuals, killers. The allegation did Vanzetti make against the arraigning lawyer, Mr. Katzmaan is that he trusted he was likewise similarly situated, supporting the preference legal hearer. Vanzetti had languished over his blame for every one of the violations he had conferred.
Erikson's theory of social development explaines how adolescence is a stage were teens are building their identity or self. They are discovering and exploring new ideas an building likes and dislikes. Creativity, new intrests, friends, the possibility to have a role to identify to, or some dream or ideal which helped them stablish goals will help them be more resilent.
Identity vs confussion role is the stage in which adolescents have a crisis of what are day going to be, who are day going to become. A lot of insecurities and problems occure so in this process the more secure, and self rely a person can be, they can outgrow the problems and create solutions.
Art, making friends, having intrests in sports, all this can help them be creative and resilient. Having aspirations for instance can help them.
An independent judiciary is necessary to ensure the rule of law is respected. Judicial independence means that judges are not subject to pressure and influence and are free to make impartial decisions based solely on fact and law.
Systems analysis
A system refers to a set of integrated parts, steps, or elements to form a more complex structure, for example, a computer system contains electrical pathways, processors, memory, electrical pathways, a power supply, etc. Systems analysis refers to a process of problem-solving that means looking at the larger structure, taking apart the components and finding out how it operates to achieve a particular goal.