One historical example was Tokugawa shogunate (Edo shogunate) was an autocratic Japan under the rule of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
One fictional example is the Empire of Star Wars, under the rule of the Sith Emperor Palpatine.
Edo shogunate emerged in feudal Japan after a series of conflicts between clans and houses. Tokugawa was able to seize power of the nation through cunning battle tactics and diplomacy, leading to his control of the nation. This led the foundation for the Empire of Japan to be established later in history.
The Empire in Star Wars started a republic that fell when the cunning ruler Emperor Palpatine seized power of the senate and made the voting process completely useless. Using his cunning and leadership ability, he controlled the entire region of the republic turned empire, leading to his ultimate control of the known galaxy.
Under Chandragupta's rule, government controlled the people for the betterment of the government and its ruler. Under Ashoka's rule, the government provided a better life for its people through better conditions and peace.
Generally speaking, both the Enlightenment and American Revolution changed the way people viewed their relationship to their rulers in that they began to question the ultimate power and supremacy of a monarch, simply because he or she was born into the position.