Answer: algae
Algae are found in water environment. It uses photosynthesis to produce its food from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, also in the presence of sunlight.
Unlike other options, algae is the only producer in the food web
Formas: todas las bacterias se pueden clasificar en una de las tres formas básicas: esferas (cocos), bastones (bacilos) y espirales o hélices (espiroquetas). Necesidad de oxígeno: las bacterias también se clasifican en dos grupos, según si necesitan oxígeno para vivir y crecer o no les es necesario.
there energy levels go into overdrive
and that is what is called a sugar rush
1. Evaporation
2. Lengthening of a river upslope.
3. Sand and gravel
4. Storm surge
5. Adds clean water to the drinking water supply
6. cuts down on the number of open pores
7. A confined aquifer is pumped for drinking water