Overall, the United States economy prior to the 1980 presidential election can best be described as not improving or no improvement. Reagan said that there was a predictable low economic performance under Carter and the Democrats. He was also concerned about the government's role domestic and economic affairs.
The federal govt has the power to maintain a military
In the south, paramilitary groups aimed at undoing reconstruction overthrew elected governments in a movement/process they called?
In 1833, Jackson retaliated against the bank by removing federal government deposits and placing them in "pet" state banks. But as the economy overheated and so did state dreams of infrastructure projects. Congress passed a law in 1836 that required the federal surplus to be distributed to the states in four payments.
The planes carried bombs that exploded when the pilots crashed into targets.
They were part of Japanese Special Attacks Units from the military aviators. The attacks consisted of missions against Allied naval vessels to destroy more effectively the warships than with conventional air attacks. In order to achieve this, the pilots converted their planes into a flying bomb and crashed themselves into the ships.
I hope this answer helps you.