Answer: What study strategies are key in preparing for a response test? 2.Study in a place that is free of distractions. 3.Have ready all the things you will need, such as paper, pens, or a calculator. 4.Study at a time when you are alert and not hungry or sleepy. 5.Don't wait until the last minute to study!
someone help this guy ASAP
Answer: I believe, since I can’t exactly see the story myself, that it would be “The reader is presented with Yolanda‘s personal view of events.”
First-person gives a unique look at the story from the main character it’s following. From this, it affects how we look at the events and what we are shown since it’s all in the characters eyes and how they take it!
Robert Frost's central idea is his poem “Road Not Taken” is that by choosing a path that most people don't, a man can make a big difference in his life. In this poem, a man came to a place where he had to make a choice between two roads.
The author opens by describing Troy, the play's protagonist and patriarch of the Maxson family. He is a 53-year-old, hefty, black man. He is described by the author as "a large man with thick, heavy hands (Wilson)." His size and blackness are a reflection of his sensitivities and life choices. Troy takes satisfaction in the fact that he can provide for his family, a position that would boost the egos of most men, even in today's contemporary culture. The protagonist's other characteristics throughout the play include being opinionated, loud, and harsh at times. According to the play, despite his frequent swearing, "he has the potential of rising to higher levels of expression (Wilson)." Troy is a good example of a modern-day tragic hero, and this article will show this by looking at both the good and bad things that have happened to him.
Relationship with other character:
He recounted numerous adventures as a trash collector with his buddy, Jim Bono. Bono's father was despondent about life in the same way that Troy's father was, but unlike Troy's father, Bono's father never played a fathering or providing role for Bono and his family. Bono described his father as having "The Walking Blues," a disorder that caused him to move constantly from one woman to the next and prohibited him from remaining in one spot for lengthy periods of time. Bono didn't recognize his father and knew very little about him. According to Bono, his father, like many other African Americans of his father's age, was "searching out The New Land."
Change some words to avoid plagiarism. :)