A volatile acid can leave the solution and enter the atmosphere
There are many types of evidence which support the theory of evolution such as comparative anatomy, fossil records, phylogenetic relationship, embryology et cetera
Comparative anatomy includes homologous organs and analogous organs. They support divergent and convergent evolution respectively.
For example, the homologous structure of limb of humans, birds, bat, horse, whale et cetera show that they are made up of the same set of bones which are humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges.
It shows divergent evolution and supports that these organisms have evolved from a common ancestor.
Embryological evidence: When early stages of embryological development of different organisms are compared, it is found that these stages are similar at different levels of development.
For example:
- The appearance of pharyngeal-arch (gill-like structures) in vertebrates during embryo development.
- Salamanders and terrestrial frogs pass through larval stages within an egg. They possess the features similar to aquatic larvae, however, when they hatched out the eggs being ready for life on land.
Steroid hormone
- The cell signaling pathways induced by the steroid hormones regulate specific genes within the cell's DNA. The hormones and receptor complex act as transcription regulators by increasing or decreasing the synthesis of mRNA molecules from specific genes.
- Steroid hormones are not able to target every cell within the body, so the overall response is slower. They bind to receptors on the cell's surface and the receptors aid in helping the steroid hormones enter the cell.
- Hormones work by binding to protein receptors either inside target cells or on their plasma membranes. The binding of a steroid hormone forms a hormone-receptor complex that affects gene expression in the nucleus of the target cell.
- Steroids pass into a cell's nucleus, bind to specific receptors and genes and trigger the cell to make proteins.
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