It inspired bus boycotts in other cities, spreading the civil rights movement
René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle
From sources: <span>· Persians have a different language and identity from the rest of the Middle East. </span>
<span>· Persian food rocks. </span>
<span>In Persian mythology, the devil uses Persian food to corrupt The king of the land. Two serpents grow from the King’s shoulders as a result. But “Zahak, The Dragon King” is eventually slain by a brave warrior at the foot of Iran’s highest peak, Mt. Damavand. </span>
<span>· The word Iran means “Land of the Aryan”. </span>
<span>· Famous western poets influenced by Persian poets: </span>
<span>Ralph Waldo Emerson, Wolfgang Von Goethe. </span>
<span>· Iran’s constitution and Parliament were created on Aug 5th, 1906. </span>
<span>· Famous biblical people buried in Iran: </span>
<span>Queen Esther, Daniel, Cyrus The Great, Darius The Great, St. Thaddaeus. </span>
<span>· In spite of fierce competition, Persian rugs are still the best rugs in the world. </span>
<span>· Iran has world’s best caviar. </span>
<span>· It snows in Tehran like it does in Denver. </span>
<span>· Iran has crocodiles. It’s tigers were hunted to extinction 50 years ago. But still has the only Asiatic cheetah. </span>
<span>· Only country to have purchased F-14 Tomcats from US. </span>
<span>· Persian is still spoken in Tajikestan and Afghanistan. It was the official court language of India for 200 years.</span>
The correct answers are:
A) Births will decline but so will deaths;
B) Any population increase due to births should decline world wide;
For the year of 2035 it is expected that the world population will experience a decline in the birthrates, as it is expected that due to the globalization and modernization of the world the people will be having less and less children. Also, it is expected that the deaths will decline, and that will be caused by the better living conditions and improved healthcare, resulting in higher life expectancy. Since the birthrates are expected to be declining by this year all over the world, it is expected that even in the countries with high birthrates, they will be on a decline, thus resulting in much slower growing population.
The definition for imperialism is
a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.