Program for measurement in meters and then converts it into miles, feet, and inches:
void main()
{ float meter, mile, feet, inches;
cout<<"enter meters";
mile= meter×0.000621371;
inches= meter×39.3701;
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in feet is"<<feet<<"feet":
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in mile is"<<mile<<"mile";
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in inches is"<<inches<<"inches";
D. They provide a platform for collaboration
// C++ switch
// It can also be used for JAVA, C#
// here age will be sent by the function in which it is used
// case to check the age<2
case(age<2 && age>0):
// printing the line
// case to check the age ==2
// printing the line
// case to check 3-5
case(age>=3 && age<=5):
cout<<"early childhood";
// case to check 6-7
case(age==6 || age==7):
cout<<"young reader";
//case to check 8-10
case(age>=8 && age<=10):
// case to check 13
//case tocheck 14-16
case(age>=14 && age<=16):
cout<<"high school";
// case to check 17 or 18
case(age==17 || age==18):
//case to check >18
// default case
cout<<"Invalid age";
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Loop is a control structure that causes a statement or group of statements to repeat.Before entering a loop, the first input, or the accumulator where the total will be kept is retrieved to an initial value, usually zero.
columns, rows
In Computer programming, a atabase schema refers to the logical design of the database while the database instance refers to a snapshot of the data found in a database at a given instant in time.
Basically, in database management, the term "schema" is used to denote a representation of data while the term "instance" is used to denote an instance of time.
A database schema is a structure which is typically used to represent the logical design of the database and as such represents how data are stored or organized and the relationships existing in a database management system. There are two (2) main categories of a database schema; physical database schema and logical database schema.
Also, a database instance is a snapshot of the data in the database at a given instant in time and as such represents an operational database by following the conditions, validation and constraints set for a database management system.
These data can be stored or organized in a database management system through the use of multiple-column record formats.
In a multiple-column record of a data file, columns represent different variables and rows represent different cases (respondents) such as experimental data, independent observations etc.