Germany was part of the Axis^^
The economic activities are the task dedicated to exchange products, goods or services that meet the needs of the population. These activities allow the creation of wealth within cities and cover three periods, which are: production, distribution and consumption and three sectors whitch differentiate the division of labor, which are the primary sector, secondary sector and tertiary sector.
The primary sector is based on natural resorces, with the purpose of own consumption or commercialization. It represents agriculture, livestock, fishing...
The secondary sector transforms the raw material collected in the primary sector and tertiary sector distributes the products produced for human´s consumption.
If Jasmine wants to create her own primary resources, she can dedicate herself to livestock or fishing, also estalish agricultural crops or propagate plants through nurseries. The extraction of minerals is also a possible primary resource according to the possibilities of Jasmine.
Hope this answer helps.
Americans started to hate the war (woo go peace core) and eventually we left Vietnam and Johnson didn't try his luck for getting his second term lol