In script mode, the interpreter reads the contents of a file that contains python statements and executes each statement.
Device Driver - A software program designed to control a specific hardware device connected to your computer. A device driver's primary purpose - is to act as a translator between a hardware device and the operating system or application that uses it.
Computer hardware can be classified as either internal or external components. In general, python statements internal hardware components are those required for your computer to function properly, while external hardware components are those that are attached to your computer to add or enhance its functionality.
Learn more about python statements at
Divine command theory is a metaethical theory that suggests that an action's status as morally good is equivalent to whether it is commanded by God. The theory asserts that what is moral is determined by God's commands and that for a person to be moral he is to follow God's commands.
Madal is a trditional musical instrument.
it is mostly played at festivals .
Let us first define what is euphoria. Euphoria is when an individual experiences pleasure or excitement. This is when a person also feels intense feelings of well-being and happiness. When you have this feeling, you are having the best time of your life. There are already a lot of references that directly relate exercise and happiness. One reference says that being fit really has a huge impact on our mental health, moods and happiness. Take another basis which says that getting yourself a workout routine will make you take of your mind from all the worries and stress of out of your busy life. Eventually, this will then for sure create happiness.
1. We can analyze the possible social benefits or consequences by creating a standard that deemed as 'desirable' social situation and measures the situation before and after the militarization.
If after the militarization our society got closer to the desirable outcome, we would say that the militarization produces a social benefit.
2. We could take a look at the example of American military occupation in Iraq.
Initially, we intended for the militarization to create a democratic country in iraq after we remove the dictator from power.
But it only resulted in a vacuum that attract many radical groups to came in to control the country. In this case, we can conclude that the militarization produce more consequences than benefit.