=> Automated Signature Verification System.
=> Tracking of workers' appointment by the personnel department.
Forgery is a kind of fraud in which one changes name, signature or anything pertaining to another person in order to deceive other people. Forgery is a fraud and it is a criminal offence that should be stop in the society. Just as it is in the question above the supervisor is forging Leon’s name in order to be able to collect the money of someone that is no more working.
The two control techniques to prevent or detect this fraud scheme are given below:
=> Automated Signature Verification System : the company should have Automated Signature Verification System for their employees and customers so that with it they can easily detect forgery fraud and the person affected can be able to recover his or her losses.
=> Tracking of workers' appointment by the personnel department: the personnel department should track the appointment of each of their employees in any organization.
Other ways are to Install biometric time cards and make sure payroll record are verified and updated before payment.
I think the answer is Strong leadership, because you can’t have a good event without the right evader
federal laws
The sarbanes-oxley act is a Federal legislation that was passed in the US on 30th July 2002. to reform, protect the accounting and corporate financial sector which includes the interest of the investors. Note: an act consist of written laws and it is made by the legislative arm of the government.
La cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias (P&G) es un estado financiero que resume los ingresos, los costos y los gastos incurridos durante un período específico, generalmente un trimestre o año fiscal. La cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias es sinónimo de la cuenta de resultados. Estos registros proporcionan información sobre la capacidad o incapacidad de una empresa para generar beneficios mediante el aumento de los ingresos, la reducción de los costos o ambos. Algunos se refieren al estado de ganancias y pérdidas como un estado de ganancias y pérdidas, estado de resultados, estado de operaciones, estado de resultados financieros o ingresos, estado de ganancias o estado de gastos