The Whig Party was in favor of the federal government (and preferred they be in control) as opposed to the Democratic Party, favoring the state government. Additionally, the Whig Party tended to be more industry driven; the Democratic Party favored agriculture.
When people first came to the United states they went to Ellis Island. After that they mostly lived in New York. (Ellis Island is near New York)
I don't except money, thank you for the offer though.
In 1687, King James II issued a Declaration of Indulgence, which suspended penal laws against Catholics and granted acceptance of some Protestant dissenters. Later that year, the king formally dissolved his Parliament and attempted to create a new Parliament that would support him unconditionally.
Answer: it meant the author of the text believed that the royal power should be absolute and that the King need not render any account of his actions.
Explanation: The author (Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet,) wrote that kings and queens should have absolute power and make all of the decisions because if they don't then they couldn't do any good or avert evil, but the glorious revolution convinced people that the monarchy shouldn't have all the power.
He went on to make comparison between God and the monarchy saying "As all perfection and all strength are united in God, so all the power of individuals is united in the person of the prince." Jacques-Bénigne Lignel Bossuet was a French bishop and theologian, renowned for his sermons and considered by many to be one of the most brilliant orators of all time.