lost-update program
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that this is an example of the database problem known as lost-update program. This term refers to when more than one individual is attempting to update a database entry within the same column and same row, at the same time. This causes the first entry that was saved by the system to be completely overwritten and lost. Such as what happened to Irene's report since it was saved first and then overwritten by Charle's report.
Landslide is a general term referring to all types of surface movement, like avalanches involving the mass movement downhill of soil, rock, or snow under the action of gravity. These can be dangerous to human life.
Mudslides are caused unusually heavy rain or sudden thaw. they consist of mostly mud and water with fragments of rock and other debris. They're capable of moving house off of their foundations and can bury a place within minutes.