Big Joe is the main character or the protagonist
La respuesta es C. Aurícula derecha – ventrículo derecho y aurícula izquierda – ventrículo izquierdo.
El corazón, órgano encargado de bombear sangre, se divide en dos secciones principales, cada una con una función. La primera es la cavidad derecha también llamada el corazón derecho, esta estructura incluye el ventrículo derecho y la aurícula derecha; además, esta sección recibe sangre no oxigenada y la bombea hacia los pulmones. Lo que es necesario para oxigenar la sangre. La segunda cavidad es la izquierda o corazón izquierdo que incluye el ventrículo y la aurícula izquierda; además, esta sección del corazón difiere de la cavidad derecha porque distribuye la sangre al resto del cuerpo.
Meiosis I, a reductional division of two haploid cells produces offspring cells that are not genetically identical with the event of recombination. Haploid girl cells have half the original/parent cell chromosomes.
meiosis II, an equational or mitotic division, divides the haploid cells created in meiosis I to produce four identical daughter cells that ultimately form the male/female gametes (egg/sperm).
Here chromatids split in contrast to meiosis I when homologous chromosomes apart.
In my opinion, a reduction in our use of energy would not be a historical step backwards.
We already know that humanity's consumption of fossil fuels is wreaking havoc on the ecosystem. Fossil fuels pollute the environment where they are generated and utilized, and their continued usage harms the climate of the entire world. Nonetheless, altering our behaviors in a significant sense has proven to be quite difficult. As a result, it is not impossible to reduce our energy use significantly, but we may take little efforts to change the way we create energy, such as using fossil fuels. Because fossil fuels are so detrimental to our environment, we should try to reduce its use, but not at the risk of improving our surroundings. There are several methods to change the way we utilize energy now into something more sustainable.
*You can also answer this question based on opinion I think, hope this helps :)
Darwin's finches are a classic example of an adaptive radiation. Their common ancestor arrived on the Galapagos about two million years ago. During the time that has passed the Darwin's finches have evolved into 15 recognized species differing in body size, beak shape, song and feeding behavior.