Cytosine, guanine, thymine, and adenine are collectively referred to as nitrogenous bases. These are not phosphates. The cytosine, guanine, thymine, and adenine are the four different types of nitrogenous bases. These nitrogenous bases are present in the deoxyribonucleotides. Cytosine and thymine are smaller in structure and have single ring structures. These are collectively called pyrimidines. On the other hand, adenine and guanine are the larger nitrogenous bases each with double ring structures. They are collectively called purines
1707-1778- Carolus LinnaeusHedeveloped the two part naming system fororganisms, using the genus and species,known as scientific naming.1707-1788- Georges-Louis Leclerc,Comte de BuffonIn his writings, he notedthat different regions of the world havedistinct plants and animals, even when theyhave similar environments. This isconsidered to be the first principle ofbiogeography. Buffon also suggested thatspecies may have improved and degeneratedsince creation, and that the Earth is probablymuch older than the 6,000 years widelyaccepted at the time.1769-1832- Georges Cuvier- influencedby the writings of Buffon, Cuvier foundthat layers, or strata, in the Earth's rockeach represent a different period in theEarth's history.
thats all ik sorry
insertion mutation
a substitution mutation only changes one thing, but an insertion mutation changes everything after the point of insertion. The insertion pushes everything back, causing a chain effect
lets say i have the sentence "I have a dog"
a substitution mutation might change it to "K have a dog", seems kinda bad, but not as bad as "K Ihav e ado g" (result of insertion of K at beginning)
Answer: Kidney
Kidney is a structure that is located toward the dorsal side of the body, lateral and superior to the hamstring but inferior to the heart.
The kidneys are a pair of bean shaped organs that are located at the downward part of the rib cage. The body of humans consists of two kidneys one kidney on each side of the spine and they're responsible for the filtering of excess water, waste products, and other impurities out of the human body.
A, I believe. Because after collecting you need to analyze in order to do many other steps. Also all the other answers are something before collecting data