Answer: Parietal
The brain is divided into lobes. The parietal lobe is located at the back of the brain. It functions processing sensory information regarding the location of parts of the body as well as interpreting visual information and processing language and mathematics.
The Parietal is divided into two hemispheres
The parietal lobe is one of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex in the brain of mammals. The parietal lobe is positioned above the temporal lobe and behind the frontal lobe and central sulcus.
"Nowadays parents have lots of choices for their children's healthcare." That sentence is not written using academic voice.
Freud initiated the debate on the unconscious mind and forces shaping motivation and behavior. Eros and Thanatos egage in conflict shaping personality.
Skinner contributed to Behavioral Theory of personality
Skinner draws on the theory of the time, to find that learning and personality development is mostly influenced by the environment and the positive and negative interactions as a source of reinforcement.
For Skinner what happens in this negative or positive interactions is crucial to someone gaining self-confidence or developing misbehavior.
Freud would rather focus on the process lying in the past, to see how personality formed as a patient first came in contact with the mother.
The psychoanalysis view became mainstream for interpreting conflicts in adults who are unable to recognize or remember experiences deeply rooted in their minds and that still have effects for their mental health
According to Freud the human mind: the id, ego, and superego formed as series of childhood stages in which the pleasure- drive and the destructive drive oppose.
According to the principles of classical and operant conditioning, the environment then determines behavior, Skinner would argue.
People have developed certain patterns since they have shaped response tendencies over repeated stimulus.
Skinner view on personality can apply to learning settings, like classrooms where young adolescents are encouraged positive and unwanted behaviors .
B or A are more reasonable but A can also be an answer. Is this multi question?
In the atmosphere we see significant thermal disturbances that change density of gases and add water vapor, a low density gas. Gases tend to redistribute because of their varying densities. so we will not find deep layers of one gas above deep layers of another gas. We do have Brownian movement that cause accumulation, but the nature of a gas overrules any tendency to completely stratify based on density.