<span>A book contains letters, just like the DNA. It's how the letters are arranged-into words in a book- that makes them mean anything. The same is true of DNA bases. It is how they are arranged that makes them significant.</span>
White blood cells cannot function properly and their reduced production can lead to fever and frequent infections. This is because the function of white blood cells in fighting germs has been disrupted.
Other signs and symptoms:
- Weak and tired.
- Lack of appetite and weight loss.
- Swelling and bleeding gums.
- Headache.
- Abdominal swelling is caused by enlargement of the liver and lymph.
- Bone pain, can cause weakness.
Joint pain.
- The glands are swollen. If the glands in the neck and chest are swollen, it can cause blood flow to be blocked. This causes the face to swell, difficulty breathing and snoring.
#If i'm wrong, i'm sorry
Prosimians are a group of less-developed primates.
<h3>What are Prosimians?</h3>
They are a group of primates with some less-developed features as compared to other primates.
The more developed primates are referred to as Simians and these include humans, apes, and monkeys.
Prosimians include both living and extinct animals such as the lemur, lorises, and galagos.
More on Prosimians can be found here: brainly.com/question/14521463
Nerve cells
Part of the nervous system which is capable of communicating messages to others cells via electrical signals
C. Photoautotrophs-oxygenic.
LUCA is an abbreviation of the ‘Last Universal Common Ancestor’. The LUCA was a microorganism which lived around 4 billion years ago. The evidence had shown that the LUCA was lived deep underground in hydrothermal vents. These vents were rich in iron-sulphur. It did not use air but made its food from the metal-rich environment surrounding it. It made organic compounds such as ammonia for its metabolism from elements such as hydrogen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen.