Hypnotic is your answer, ypnotic drugs induce sleep and are used to treat insomnia. Insomnia is a change to the normal sleep pattern, due to difficulty in either getting to sleep or maintaining sleep.
Healthcare workers analyze data in the form of tables and charts in order to analyze health care results.
To analyze any kind of data, it is important that the data is fully set in the form of tables, graphs, chart etc so that we can analyze it. Just noting random numbers or data and not organizing it will not help in analyzing the data and it would be a waste. A data that is organized is easier to read and understand. It tells about the progress of a patient. Even record keeping data in an organized manner helps the health care workers to easily reach them at the time of need or when a similar patient arises.
No. They are called prescription glasses for a reason. However, you can buy reading glasses without a prescription. My mum buys them from the dollar store and they work quite well and last a long time. Hope this helps at least a little bit. Have a nice day.
keep calm and use only code words to not freak out other people that dont know what to do.
Explanation: reason .. is because people would be screaming. running around like crazy!! and so yeah ....<em> </em><em>keep calm and carry on</em><em> ....</em>