the answer is B: so it isa line
Patent ductus arteriosus occurs when the normal fetal circulation conduit between the pulmonary artery and the aorta fails to close and results in increased pulmonary blood flow. The clinical manifestations of patent ductus arteriosus include; Murmur; wide and bounding pulse pressure, Asymptomatic Heart failure.
Answer: D. Sedimentary
Sedimentary rocks are formed overtime are different particles of sand, shells, pebbles and other fragments of materials form layers and harden into rock.
hypothesis is a guess based on information you already know
The skin is made up of four different kinds of cells which are:
Keratinocytes: They form tight junctions with the nerves of the skin.
Melanocytes: These are the pigment producing cells.
Langerhans cells: These are the immune cells of the skin.
Merkel cells: They show some sensory responses.
The blood cell is made up of different cells which are:
White- blood cells: These provide the body with immunity and helps to fight diseases. There are different types of white blood cells which perform various immune functions.
Red-blood cells: Red-blood cells are involved in the travel of oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood.
Platelets: These help in the formation of clots and to stop bleeding during an injury.