First up defining stress. Stress is actually what we go through everyday, it's like the definition of challenge. For us people stress is what we don't want but is the essential thing of forming us. For plants experiencing stress just like malnutrition they are slow to bloom and make their fruits.
Answer: influencer
An influencer is a person who can influence the decision-making process of other family members or in the general audience. An influencer can affect the decision in terms of the purchase of goods. An influencer also has a role in making public relationships at the corporate level.
The influencer can present alternatives and can also provide inputs that influence the final decision of the family, company or general public.
The information came from satisfied users.
The users are happy withwhat they have so they mightover look certain problems or may not have problems that others did.
Ask that your meal be prepared without butter, oil, salt, and sugar. Or ask for vegetables steamed with butter on the side.
Alice could:
- Avoid touching a bare wire that may be conducting a current.
- Avoid overloading power strips and other receptacles with multiple plugs. Using only two plugs per outlet lessens the risk of shock and fire
- Utilize three-prong plugs whenever possible. The third prong, which grounds the electrical current, should never be removed.
- Never assume that someone else turned off the power source. Always check for herself!