Answer: If the choices of this question are a,cy,ex,ic,inter,ful and im, the answer would be "a". Affix is an element that is added to a word to form a new word; it is sometimes classified as prefix and suffix. The affix word "a" is considered as without because it means absence.19
I could see that my fire maker was having a hard time. But I gave him his space, because I wanted the warmth of the fire.
govgpcgocgocgo go govg ogc9cgocg9 for a few years in my life I was in my
To complete this task we should recollect what is a compound - complex sentence? A Compound - complex sentence is a sentence with two or more independent clauses and at leasr one dependent clause. That`s the rule from the English Grammar. Thus, the correct answer is as follows:
My friend and I went to the beach today, but we were not able to go surfing bacause it started to rain.
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