There is a list of reasons that could affect the performance of the polls:
1. The student does not have a cell phone or device that allows him to be connected to the internet network.
2. The student does not take his cell phone to class that day.
3. There is no connection, no network coverage or no signal.
4. The device ran out of battery.
5.Student does not want to use his personal device for answering any poll.
- Stubbornness is a synonym for Obstinately
Both of them mean an unwillingness to conform to a certain opinion or persuasion
- Determination is a synonym for resolution that cannot be swayed
Both of them meant a stance that a person gonna do a certain things and would not stop until it's achieved
- Greediness is a synonym for Avaricious
Both mean intense/selfish desire to obtain wealth or power by their own.
- And Stinginess is a synonym of Parsimonious
Both mean unwillingness to share their wealth or power to other people
the quote is talking about Beowulf.
It is best to use concise language when creating technical documents.