The process of centralizing the king's military power took place at the end of feudalism and was the great symbol of the formation of European nation-states, mainly Spain, Portugal and France, which were the first to adopt this system and establish the king's political control over a territory. This process was considered very modern, ending feudalism and giving space for new forms of governance to stabilize.
Fictitious payee rule
Fictitious payee rule applies when a person cause an instrument to be issued to a person(payee) who has no valid reason to receive the payment or no interest in the instrument, this ensure forgery of the payee's name will then be effective to pass the instrument to the transferees later as we can see in the case of Maria, she included the name of her maid for the purpose of using the check for herself and not for the sake of Carolyn
Problem with using commodity money in the us colonies prior to 1700 Very few people were willing to accept commodities as payment.
British creditors feared charge in a currency of such fluctuating cost and to alleviate their fears the colonies have been prohibited from printing more paper cash. This brought about the cost of current paper money to plummet. This jolted a colonial economic system already suffering a surge in populace and could not be contained.
Colonial people complained that gold and silver coins were chronically scarce. those coins could be received simplest thru importation. Given unrestricted change in specie, marketplace arbitrage must have eliminated continual shortage.
Commodity cash is money whose fee comes from a commodity of which it's miles made. Commodity cash includes gadgets having cost or use in themselves as well as their value in shopping for items.
Learn more about commodity money here:-
E. Both the Whigs and the Democrats tried to avoid the issue of slavery.
There are large percentage of Southerners who owned farms and plantation that became The supporters base of the whigs and the Democrats at that time.
Both of these party afraid that if they advocated to abolish the slavery, a lot of their supporter base will be gone and it will be hard for them to maintain their influence. (since slave labors are very important for the plantation/farm owners)
Because of this, Both the Whigs and the Democrats tried to avoid the issue of slavery.
Annotate and mark sections of the text to easily recall important or interesting ideas. Depending on the class subject, you could create a vocabulary list of other unfamiliar words to define later, check your predictions and find answers to posed questions, and note any discussion questions that have been provided.