The standard QWERTY layout keyboard is called 'QWERTY' because on the top line of the keyboard the first 6 letters from chronological left to right order are; Q, W, E, R, T, and Y.
Or...if you're wondering why it's QWERTY and not ABCDEF, it's because when typing with the alphabetical format, many of the keys would clash with each other due to the arrangement of keys on the original typewriter. The QWERTY layout became so popular, it was the standardized layout for typewriters, and even keyboards today.
public static String repeat(String text, int repeatCount) {
if(repeatCount < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("repeat count should be either 0 or a positive value");
if(repeatCount == 0) {
return "";
} else {
return text + repeat(text, repeatCount-1);
Here repeatCount is an int value.
at first we will check if repeatCount is non negative number and if it is code will throw exception.
If the value is 0 then we will return ""
If the value is >0 then recursive function is called again untill the repeatCount value is 0.
There is a solution called ETA (Encrypted Traffic Analytics) this is a security advanced network that helps us to identify malware between the encrypted data, but with this tool is no necessary to break any protection and privacy chain.
This technology use machine learning to read all the traffic without deciphering it, in this way we can detect a difference between reliable and malicious traffic.
En windows we can use Microsoft Security Essentials like antivirus and detect virus, we can use Process Explorer, analyze the traffic, we can use Microsoft Network Monitor.